As we finish this three part series, we discuss the testing and refinement process, highlighting the importance of going back to the drawing board in order to create the best outcome. Join us in this conversation about the rinse-and-repeat process and discover why it’s truly worth the effort. If you haven’t already, check out part one and part […]

PART 3: Test and validate your idea for success.

Entrepreneurship, Monetise Skills

At GrowGetters, our mission is to empower entrepreneurs and help them thrive in their respective industries. We understand that growing your brand requires both online and offline strategies, and that’s why we’ve been intentional in selecting events and communities that resonate with our diverse audience. Whether it’s engaging with corporates, accelerators, or solo entrepreneurs, we’ve […]

Skinnovation Series: Thought Leadership with GrowGetters

Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship

Today we’re going to discuss the topic from idea to reality, which is the critical step that most founders miss in building a successful business. This subject is critical to the success of any idea or digital product from any small or large business. That topic is experimentation. As entrepreneurs, we often have big ideas […]

From idea to reality: the critical step to building a successful business

Entrepreneurship, Uncategorized


Being present and consistent is a great way to expand your network and audience, but it doesn’t mean you should be present on EVERY single channel. The way to be consistent is to make sure you’re on the right platform that works for you, applying a clear content strategy. In today’s episode, Eleanor Mayrhofer will […]

The biggest mistakes to avoid when building your online presence, with digital marketing expert Eleanor Mayrhofer

Digital Marketing

The Biggest Mistakes To Avoid When Building Your Online Presence

Tanya and Tiffany have built careers in some of the most cutting edge fields of digital business, working around the world including Sydney, London, New York and Amsterdam.
They have both risen to the top of their game, amassing a suite of sought-after skills in digital strategy, digital marketing, design thinking, and innovation. Their joint passion in seeing women lead in business led them to launch and scale GrowGetters - growing it from a podcast to a funded startup.


Tanya & Tiffany are the brains behind GrowGetters

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