Today we will be discussing 5 reasons why the problem you solve matters more than your idea. It is a bit of a controversial topic…and we are going to dive right into it anyway! The customer or user problem you solve is actually more important than the idea itself for your business, product, or service. […]

Reasons why the problem you solve matters more than your idea.

Digital Products, Entrepreneurship

5 reasons why the problem you solve matters more than your idea

If you have a product or a service, you may be looking into how you can start marketing it. Or you might be thinking of how to diversify your revenue, build a new product and genuinely create further clarity in your business. This is hard to do without a model to follow. But, before you […]

6 easy steps to build your customer journey map.

Entrepreneurship, Monetise Skills

6 Easy Steps To Build Your Customer Journey Map

You might have a business, a product, an idea, or even a hobby. Maybe you’re a creator or an influencer that’s acquired many fans or a strong community along the way. But how can you convert your fans into paying customers? Because if there’s no genuine hot burning need for what you’re selling, there won’t […]

Who is your ideal customer?


What makes you or your business unique and different? Creating a business is the easy part, but sustaining, making it unique and stand out is the challenge. Once you discover what your secret sauce exactly is, it will make it a thousand times easier to create an offer that converts for your audience. Because when […]

How to create a USP for your product or service that converts.

Digital Marketing, Personal Growth

Tanya and Tiffany have built careers in some of the most cutting edge fields of digital business, working around the world including Sydney, London, New York and Amsterdam.
They have both risen to the top of their game, amassing a suite of sought-after skills in digital strategy, digital marketing, design thinking, and innovation. Their joint passion in seeing women lead in business led them to launch and scale GrowGetters - growing it from a podcast to a funded startup.


Tanya & Tiffany are the brains behind GrowGetters

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