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After our podcast ranked in the top 20 in multiple countries around the world, we knew we could turn it into a business. Wanna know how we did it?
Can you believe it? It’s episode 100!
So much has happened in that time. It’s really hard to believe that when we started GrowGetters back in late 2019, early 2020, we had no idea that a pandemic was coming. We had no idea where this podcast would take us and how it would be reached all around the world. It was all unknown and it was really just a super fun, super creative outlet, and a passion project for us.
In this episode, we would like to look back at what and where we were at the time when we started this podcast because a lot of people don’t know where our heads were at the time when we decided to start the podcast. But along the way, we learned so much and experienced so much. We’ve spoken to so many amazing people, and have grown a lot.
Around June 2019, we wanted to create a project on the side. Something super creative, something that would put ourselves on the map in our industry. We wanted to start developing a bit of thought leadership for our own personal brands in the space.
We knew we were super passionate and thrilled about seeing women succeed. We strongly believe in female empowerment and collaboration. But the question was, how do we marry our skill sets and what we want, to share with the world this idea of female empowerment?
We started looking into which platforms we can use to share our mission and get ourselves out there. And podcasting seems to be the best avenue to use our skills that also works well with our limitations. As moms of young children, it was physically not possible to travel and podcasting was naturally the perfect step we can take. In January 2020, we officially launched our podcast.
With our complementary skill sets and backgrounds, we were able to create a vehicle where we could bring in our experience in digital transformation, our experience in product innovation, in design thinking, and digital marketing. We wanted to bring that all together, and disseminate that in a way that women like it. So we ourselves were massive podcasts and still are massive podcast consumers. But, we also wanted to hear this type of thing and this type of content from other women in a really friendly, accessible, and with a bit of a feminine touch. That was the inception of GrowGetters back in early 2020.
One of our first highlight moments was our interview with Jeetendr Sehdev. He is a New York Times bestselling author of The Kim Kardashian Principle, a keynote speaker, and a branding authority. The interview with him showed us that the sky’s the limit, we can really go out to anybody. There’s no stopping us with who we could actually interview.
Other interviews with Brooke Vulinovich, Mike Butcher, and Ryan Singer were also some of the highlights. And for anyone listening, who is a budding podcaster, the awesome thing is you just need that first big name. Because once you do have that name, then all of the other names just keep rolling in.
First of all, and for anyone that would like to work on their own thought leadership or work on their own personal brand in any way, impostor syndrome is something that comes up instantly when you start putting yourself out there. You start putting any kind of content written by yourself out there, and instantly, the imposter syndrome, this kind of negative self-talk comes up. That’s how we felt during our first episodes.
Sometimes you just have to get out of your head, and just believe in what you actually are doing. And really get through that self, that imposter syndrome, and self-editing. And really just put yourself out there because generally, what you think, what you’ve done, and what you’ve experienced, is valuable, because it’s coming from your experience. From your first episode to your 100th episode, you develop confidence.
Another really important one is consistency. After five seasons, the ebbs and flows of life, the ups and downs we’ve gone through, and the breaks between seasons, we still consistently get out there. We kept listening to our audience, looking at the stats from downloads, and understanding what the trends are. It does take energy, it takes diligence, and it takes follow through. But if you’re really in this game for the long run, being consistent and being in touch with your listener is very important.
And adapting to the podcast constantly, listening to the feedback of our audience, and spinning the content in a different direction as we also evolved ourselves. So from the first episode, you have listened to up to where we are now, you may see that there has been an evolution in the podcast. We’ve made sure that as our brand evolves, so does our podcast content. It’s all about consistency, diligence, and also making sure that self-doubting is dissolved.
We’ve learned that women really need to support other women and collaborate together. We are so much more powerful when we’re in it together. You don’t feel alone, you feel supported, you feel like you are unstoppable.
It’s so heartwarming that all the effort and work we put into creating a podcast and putting this thing out there is actually connecting with other women which has been amazing. And we’ve taken GrowGetters and turned it into a business. So it’s gone from being a hobby to a fully-fledged business. It’s about shifting our mindset and thinking, we’re not just a podcast, we are actually a content startup. We are a business.
We’re really excited to see how it develops and how it grows more. And to all the amazing women that are going to join us in the coming months and years, our club is fabulous and the women continue to inspire both of us. It’s such a fantastic community and it’s probably the greatest achievement we’ve had since launching the podcast.
We are just so thrilled that you’ve joined us along this journey, no matter where in the world you’re listening from. And we want to finish this reflection on our 100th episode by saying thank you to everybody. Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting us, for following us, for signing up for our newsletter, and for just being with us on this journey because we really could not have done it without your support. And we continue and strive to bring you awesome content each and every week.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
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