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After our podcast ranked in the top 20 in multiple countries around the world, we knew we could turn it into a business. Wanna know how we did it?
Today we will be discussing 5 reasons why the problem you solve matters more than your idea. It is a bit of a controversial topic…and we are going to dive right into it anyway!
The customer or user problem you solve is actually more important than the idea itself for your business, product, or service. Before you totally disagree with this idea, I ask you to please hear us out. It is truly worth it.
We are going to throw a few truth bombs that might change the way you think about how really cool and innovative products and services actually come to fruition.
Yes, you heard that correctly. Just let it sink in for a moment. Without a problem, your product is not a solution. It’s just fluff. It’s just another product amongst billions of things to buy out there. It won’t resonate with anyone, and there won’t be a justifiable amount of customer demand for it. Put simply, no problem means no product.
Do you know how many business or product ideas are painstakingly designed, built, and launched to the market… to crickets? So many ideas are based on solving assumed problems. Often, they’ve failed to go out and immerse themselves into the world of their ideal customers to actually validate the assumptions they have about their problems through conversations and research.
When we say “validate” we mean going out and testing our assumptions (or in scientific terms our “hypotheses”) by having real-life conversations with people who represent our ideal customers, surveying them, or testing stimuli like sales pages, emails, or ads.
The best way to validate your assumptions is through user interviews, which we will cover in much more detail in an upcoming ep where we take you through the best practices in conducting interviews!
Yes, you heard that right!! And why do you think that is? Could it be because:
A) There’s a potential market for your product
B) There’s genuine demand for a solution
C) It fulfills an authentic human need
D) All of the above
Yes, it’s D baby!!
There’s a reason why in most investor pitches for startups at least 30-50% of the pitch presentation has to actually sell the validity of the problem in other words. It’s not just about the idea, it’s fundamentally critical that you’ve identified a real and genuine problem that people face.
Your identified user problem is the springboard to a gazillion brilliant solutions.
And girl, there are a plethora of great ideas that you can brainstorm, so long as you have a real and juicy problem to work with. Your product idea can have super cool features, a revolutionary customer experience, or a service that can be spliced up in a bunch of different ways. You can include various tech elements, or employ AI or AR as a way to fuel and scale the idea. But in the end, your bright idea will only be a killer idea if it is an answer to a real and validated user problem.
Guess what? People buy products that see them. The ones that empathize with them, that understand what they are going through. The sweetest spot is when you can literally mirror their problem back to them. They will resonate and connect with this, get their attention and hold their attention. And going one step further, it’s not just about meeting the needs of your customers, but actually anticipate them. That means you always have the answers to their FAQs. You can allay their concerns and solve their problem with your product with confidence and ease. And really, truly, understand and empathize with them.
These are our 5 reasons why the problem you solve matters more than your idea. This is why we believe that the problem you solve with your business or product matters more than your idea.
We will be going into more detail on conducting audience and user interviews in future episodes – so stay tuned and make sure you follow GrowGetters so you don’t miss it!
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